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Zoological Nomenclature (thesaurus)

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Principle of Binomina  


  • The nomen of a taxon of rank species is a binomen, i.e., a combination of a generic substantive and a specific epithet. The nomen of a taxon of rank subspecies is a trinomen, including a subspecific epithet after the specific epithet. The nomina of all taxa above the speciesseries are uninomina, i.e., they consist in a single word. Nomina of subgenera, aggregates of species and aggregates of subspecies are uninomina that must be interpolated in parentheses between those of their superordinate and subordinate taxa; such nomina are not counted in the number of words of a binomen or trinomen. Epithets must begin with a lower-case letter, and all other nomina with an upper-case letter. An epithet must be either a noun in the genitive or in apposition, or an adjective or a participle agreeing in grammatical gender with the generic substantive. A generic or subgeneric substantive must be a noun in the nominative singular. A family-series nomen must be a noun in the nominative plural based on the stem of a generic substantive, and followed by an ending which indicates the rank in which it is used. A class-series nomen must be a noun in the nominative plural. (Dubois 2013)


  • Principle of Binominal Nomenclature

Scope note

  • Code: Principle of Binominal Nomenclature: The principle that the scientific name of a species, and not of a taxon at any other rank, is a combination of two names (a binomen); the use of a trinomen for the name of a subspecies and of uninominal names for taxa above the species group is in accord with the Principle.

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Bibliographic citation(s)

  • Dubois, A. (2013) Zygoidy, a new nomenclatural concept. Bionomina, 6: 1–25. [ ]


  • 905

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