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  • A nannofossil is a micrometer-sized fossil that can only be studied with an electron microscope. Nannofossils are most often found in nanoplankton. Coccolithophorids are an example of nannofossils, whose deposition over tens of meters is at the origin of chalk. The nannofossil is microscopic (nanoscopic), smaller than the microfossil and significantly smaller than the macrofossil. It is studied in micropalaeontology, a specialized branch of paleontology. A nannofossil is any organic form between 2 and 50 µm in size, visible only by optical microscopy (OM) with 100x magnification, or by any electron microscope (EM). Nannofossils are used for their ease of processing, abundance and wide geographical distribution. There are several ways of classifying nannofossils. The most widely accepted are based on their taxonomy, although they can also be classified according to their chemical composition and origin. The most useful nannofossils are undoubtedly calcareous nannofossils, which are the (calcareous) remains of microalgae of the phylum Haptophyta and other incertae saedis organisms of unknown origin, known as nanoliths. (Adapted and translated from:

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