Concept information
Término preferido
key people in political science
Concepto genérico
Conceptos específicos
- A. Lawrence Lowell
- Aaron Wildavsky
- Abraham Lincoln
- Adam Smith
- Adolf Augustus Berle
- Albert Angus Campbell
- Albert Camus
- Albert Venn Dicey
- Alec Nove
- Aleksandra Mikhaylovna Kollontay
- Alexander Hamilton
- Alexander I. Herzen
- Alexander L. George
- Alexis de Tocqueville
- Al-Farabi
- Algernon Sidney
- Andras Hegedus
- Andre Gunder Frank
- Antonio Gramsci
- Aristotle
- Arthur Fisher Bentley
- Arthur N. Holcombe
- Auguste Comte
- Augustine of Hippo
- Ayn Rand
- Barrington Moore
- Baruch Spinoza
- Benedetto Croce
- Bernard R. Berelson
- Bertrand Russell
- Betty Friedan
- B.F. Skinner
- Booker T. Washington
- Branko Horvat
- C. Wright Mills
- Carl Schmitt
- Cesare Beccaria
- Charles A. Beard
- Charles Anthony Raven Crosland
- Charles E. Merriam
- Charles S. Hyneman
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Clara Zetkin
- Claude-Henri Saint-Simon
- Cornelius Castoriadis
- Crawford Brough Macpherson
- Cyril Lionel Robert James
- Daniel J. Elazar
- Dante Alighieri
- David Hume
- David Ricardo
- Denis Diderot
- Donald Stokes
- E. H. Carr
- Edmund Burke
- Eduard Bernstein
- Edward C. Banfield
- Edward Said
- Edward Samuel Corwin
- Elmer E. Schattschneider
- Émile Durkheim
- Emma Goldman
- Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès
- Eric Voegelin
- Erich Fromm
- Ernest Barker
- Ernest Gellner
- Ernst Bloch
- Ernst Freund
- Ernst Friedrich Schumacher
- Errico Malatesta
- Francis Lieber
- Francois-Marie Voltaire
- Frank Johnson Goodnow
- Frantz Fanon
- Franz Neumann
- Frederick Austin Ogg
- Friedrich August von Hayek
- Friedrich Engels
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Gabriel Almond
- Gaetano Mosca
- Georg W. F. Hegel
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- George Douglas Howard Cole
- George Edward Gordon Catlin
- George Holland Sabine
- George Orwell
- Georges Sorel
- Giovanni Gentile
- Grigorii Valentinovich Plekhanov
- Gunnar Heckscher
- Gustave Le Bon
- Gwendolen M. Carter
- György Lukács
- Hannah Arendt
- Hans Joachim Morgenthau
- Hans Kelsen
- Harold Dwight Lasswell
- Harold Foote Gosnell
- Harold Joseph Laski
- Harold K. Jacobson
- Harry Eckstein
- Hayward R. Alker
- Hedley Bull
- Henri-Benjamin Constant de Rebeque
- Henry David Thoreau
- Henry George
- Henry Jones Ford
- Henry Sidgwick
- Herbert Alexander Simon
- Herbert Marcuse
- Houston Stewart Chamberlain
- Hugo Grotius
- Ibn Taymiyya
- Immanuel Kant
- Iris Marion Young
- Isaiah Berlin
- Ithiel de Sola Pool
- Ivan Illich
- Ivor Jennings
- J. David Singer
- Jacques Derrida
- Jacques Maritain
- Jacques Peuchet
- James Bryce
- James Burnham
- James Harrington
- James Madison
- James Mill
- Jane Addams
- Jean Baudrillard
- Jean Bodin
- Jean-François Lyotard
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Jean-Paul Sartre
- Jeffrey S. Banks
- Jeremy Bentham
- Johannes Althusius
- John Atkinson Hobson
- John Calhoun
- John Calvin
- John Dewey
- John Locke
- John Maynard Keynes
- John Milton
- John Rawls
- John Stuart Mill
- John Sydenham Furnivall
- Jonathan Swift
- José Carlos Mariátegui
- José Ortega y Gasset
- Joseph Alois Schumpeter
- Joseph Marie de Maistre
- Joseph Priestley
- Judith N. Shklar
- Justus Lipsius
- Karl Johann Kautsky
- Karl Mannheim
- Karl Marx
- Karl Polanyi
- Karl Popper
- Karl Renner
- Karl W. Deutsch
- Kautilya
- Kenneth C. Wheare
- Kita Ikki
- Leo Strauss
- Leo Tolstoy
- Leon Trotsky
- Leonard D. White
- Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse
- Leonardo Boff
- Leopold Kohr
- Lewis Anthony Dexter
- Li Dazhao
- Liang Qichao
- Louis Althusser
- Louis Hartz
- Louis-Auguste Blanqui
- Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise, vicomte de Bonald
- Lu Xun
- Lucian Pye
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Luther Halsey Gulick III
- Manabendra Nath Roy
- Mancur Olson
- Marcus M. Garvey
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Mario Luigi Einaudi
- Marquis de Condorcet
- Marsilius of Padua
- Martin Heidegger
- Martin Luther
- Mary Astell
- Mary Parker Follett
- Mary Wollstonecraft
- Maurice Barrès
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty
- Max Horkheimer
- Max Lerner
- Max Weber
- Merle Fainsod
- Michael Joseph Oakeshott
- Michel Aflaq
- Michel de Montaigne
- Michel Paul Foucault
- Miguel de Unamuno
- Mikhail Bakunin
- Monique Wittig
- Date: 1869-1755 Montesquieu
- Murray Bookchin
- Murray J. Edelman
- Murray N. Rothbard
- Nelson Polsby
- Niccolò Machiavelli
- Nicos Poulantzas
- Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin
- Norberto Bobbio
- Oswald Spengler
- Otsuka Hisao
- Otto Bauer
- Otto Kirchheimer
- Paul F. Lazarsfeld
- Paulo Freire
- Peter Bachrach
- Peter Kropotkin
- Date: 1930-2002 Pierre Bourdieu
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
- Plato
- Polybius
- Ptolemy of Lucca
- Quincy Wright
- Ralph Johnson Bunche
- Ralph Miliband
- Raúl Prebisch
- Raymond Aron
- Raymond Williams
- Reginald Bassett
- Reinhold Niebuhr
- Richard Crossman
- Richard E. Neustadt
- Richard Henry Tawney
- Richard Hooker
- Richard McKelvey
- Richard Rorty
- Robert Bellarmine
- Robert Michels
- Robert Nozick
- Robert Owen
- Rosa Luxemburg
- Rudolf Bahro
- Rudolf Hilferding
- Samuel Hutchison Beer
- Samuel P. Huntington
- Samuel Pufendorf
- Seymour Martin Lipset
- Sidney Hook
- Sidney Webb and Beatrice Potter
- Simone de Beauvoir
- Simone Weil
- Sir Robert Filmer
- Sir Thomas More
- Socrates
- Stein Rokkan
- Susan Brownell Anthony
- Susan Moller Okin
- Talcott Parsons
- Theodor W. Adorno
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Hobbes
- Thomas Kuhn
- Thomas Paine
- Thorstein Veblen
- Thucydides
- Thurman Wesley Arnold
- Uno Kozo
- V. O. Key, Jr.
- Vilfredo Pareto
- Vladimir Jabotinsky
- Vladimir Lenin
- W. E. B. Du Bois
- Walter Bagehot
- Warren Miller
- Wilhelm Reich
- William Blackstone
- William Godwin
- William Graham Sumner
- William James
- William Morris
- William of Ockham
- William Riker
- Xenophon
- Yoshino Sakuzo
Pertenece al grupo
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}