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Z Camelopardalis star  


  • A Z Camelopardalis star belongs to one of three subcategories of U Geminorum stars (dwarf novae), the others being SS Cygni stars and SU Ursae Majoris stars. Z Cam stars are distinguished by, in addition to normal U Gem-type outbursts (which consist of a rise from quiescence of 2–6 magnitudes and 1–3 day durations), random standstills. A standstill usually starts at the end of an outburst and consists of a period of constant brightness, about one magnitude below maximum light, which may last from a few days to 1,000 days. The average energy output in a standstill is larger than that during an outburst cycle. Standstills occur when the mass transfer rate from the secondary star into the accretion disk around the primary star is too large to produce normal outbursts. (Encyclopedia of Science, by David Darling,

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