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Medical Subject Headings (thesaurus)

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  • mesh:Descriptor


  • Federal program, created by Public Law 89-97, Title XVIII-Health Insurance for the Aged, a 1965 amendment to the Social Security Act, that provides health insurance benefits to persons over the age of 65 and others eligible for Social Security benefits. It consists of two separate but coordinated programs: hospital insurance (MEDICARE PART A) and supplementary medical insurance (MEDICARE PART B). (Hospital Administration Terminology, AHA, 2d ed and A Discursive Dictionary of Health Care, US House of Representatives, 1976)


  • Health Insurance for Aged and Disabled, Title 18
  • Health Insurance for Aged, Disabled, Title 18
  • Health Insurance for Aged, Title 18


  • français

  • Health Insurance for Aged and Disabled (Medicare)
  • Système public d'assurance-santé pour les personnes de plus de 65 ans ou atteintes d'un handicap aux États-Unis
  • Système public d'assurance-santé pour les plus de 65 ans et les handicapés aux États-Unis
  • Titre 18 de l'assurance santé des personnes agées ou handicapées aux États-Unis


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Date de création 01/01/1999, dernière modification le 06/07/2009