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Climate change (Thesaurus)

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Concept information

Preferred term

carbon neutrality  


  • Condition in which anthropogenic CO2 emissions associated with a subject are balanced by anthropogenic CO2 removals. The subject can be an entity such as a country, an organization, a district or a commodity, or an activity such as a cycle including indirect (‘scope 3’) emissions, but can also be limited to the emissions and removals, over a specified period, for which the subject has direct control, as determined by the relevant scheme. (Source:

Broader concept


  • CO2 neutrality
  • CO₂ neutrality
  • net zero CO2 emission
  • net zero CO₂ emission

In other languages

  • French

  • émission nette de CO2 égale à zéro
  • émission nette de CO₂ égale à zéro
  • neutralité en carbone
  • neutralité en CO2
  • neutralité en CO₂
  • neutralité en gaz à effet de serre
  • neutralité en matière de gaz à effet de serre
  • neutralité GES


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