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Geographic Places (GP) Terminology Resource (Getty Research Institute)

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Concept information

Terme préférentiel

Agios Geōrgios (Páfos, CYP)  


  • Agios Geōrgios (Cape Drepanon, CYP)
  • Agios Geōrgios (Pegia, CYP)
  • Ayios Yeoryios (Páfos, CYP)
  • Hagios Geōrgios (Páfos, CYP)

Note d'application

  • an Early Christian settlement, about 7 km. W. of village of Peyia, on Cape Drepanon, SW Cyprus; has a 6th c. basilica (actually 3 superimposed Early Christian basilicas) & another 11th-14th c. bld.; declined after 640; is now just an anchorage. There are several Agios Georgios in CYP.


  • 24918


  • français

  • Agios Geōrgios (Cap Drepanon, CYP)
  • Agios Geōrgios (Pegia, CYP)
  • Ayios Yeoryios (Páfos, CYP)
  • Hagios Geōrgios (Páfos, CYP)


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